Ep. 183 – The Terminator


Episode 183: The Crew’s running from a time traveling cyborg as they discuss James Cameron’s The Terminator (1984). This film is the perfect chase movie, never losing its pace once. Arnold Schwarzenegger became an action icon and a household name after this film, in one of his rare villain performances (don’t forget Mr. Freeze). Linda Hamilton and Michael Biehn are great, but their careers never got the boost Arnold’s did. And Stan Winston’s makeup is jaw-dropping for a $6.4 million film made in 1984.

Brad Fiedel’s score is great! Here’s the download link on Apple Music.

Follow guest Michael Griggs online at www.griggsymedia.com

If you like our music intro, head over to Soundcloud and hear more amazing music from aquariusweapon.

Aquariusweapon can also be found on YouTube.

Contact: themoviecrewe@gmail.com

Ep. 182 – Freddy vs. Jason, and A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)


Episode 182: The Crew’s discussing Freddy vs. Jason and the 2010 remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street. Freddy vs. Jason was the highest grossing installment of both the Nightmare and Friday franchises. Robert Englund returns to the Freddy role, but New Line Cinema hired a new actor for Jason, leaving Kane Hodder fans disappointed. Fans were happy with the results regardless, and Hollywood started making the vs. films (Alien vs Predator came out the next year). The 2010 Nightmare remake again was a box office hit (highest grossing Nightmare film Worldwide), but the critical and audience reaction was horrible, and a sequel never happened. The film looks great, and Jackie Earle Haley makes the Freddy role his own. He’s so good, but the story never feels fresh and questioning whether Freddy is a villain or not is a waste of screen time. The Crew discusses…

If you like our music intro, head over to Soundcloud and hear more amazing music from aquariusweapon.

Aquariusweapon can also be found on YouTube.

Contact: themoviecrewe@gmail.com

Ep. 181 – Freddy’s Dead, and Wes Craven’s New Nightmare


Episode 181: The Crew’s discussing Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare, and Wes Craven’s New Nightmare. Freddy’s Dead is the last canonical entry in the Nightmare franchise, and Freddy goes all out Looney Tunes goofy. Lots of fans disliked The Final Nightmare, so New Line Cinema brought back series creator, Wes Craven. New Nightmare’s villain is a demon that takes the form of Freddy; trying to invade the real world. The actors are playing themselves in the film; with Wes Craven and Bob Shaye even making appearances.

If you like our music intro, head over to Soundcloud and hear more amazing music from aquariusweapon.

Aquariusweapon can also be found on YouTube.

Contact: themoviecrewe@gmail.com

Ep. 180 – A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master, and part 5: The Dream Child


Episode 180: The Crew’s discussing A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master, and A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child. The 4th Nightmare film was the highest grossing installment til Freddy vs Jason in 2003. Director, Renny Harlin ups the silly one-liners and the energy, making the film feel more like an action picture. The makeup and effects are truly jaw dropping; highlights include Freddy’s death & a character turning into a roach. A year later, Part 5 was released. The director, Stephen Hopkins, was hired in February and the film was released in August of that year. The rushed production left the film with a simple story confusingly told, and a low body count.

If you like our music intro, head over to Soundcloud and hear more amazing music from aquariusweapon.

Aquariusweapon can also be found on YouTube.

Contact: themoviecrewe@gmail.com

Ep. 179 – A Nightmare on Elm Street 2, and part 3: Dream Warriors


Episode 179: The Crew’s discussing A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge, and A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. Many Nightmare fans (known as FredHeads) consider Part 2 the worst installment. But the makeup & effects are impressive and it was a box office hit; paving the way for Part 3. Dream Warriors introduced the one-liners (Welcome to Primetime) and made Freddy an 80’s icon. The film is so fast paced and creative, it won over critics & fans. Also, launching the directing career of Chuck Russell & co-writer Frank Darabont.

Interview with writer David Chaskin.

If you like our music intro, head over to Soundcloud and hear more amazing music from aquariusweapon.

Aquariusweapon can also be found on YouTube.

Contact: themoviecrewe@gmail.com

Ep. 178 – A Nightmare on Elm Street


Episode 178: The Crew is starting October off with Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street. The film is a horror classic, breathing new life into the waning slasher genre in the 80’s. But unlike other slasher villains, Freddy Krueger had a face and a voice. The film started its own franchise and is responsible for the existence of New Line Cinema. The Crew will be discussing the entire Nightmare on Elm Street series all month long.

David Warner in Freddy makeup before he left the production and Robert Englund was hired.

If you like our music intro, head over to Soundcloud and hear more amazing music from aquariusweapon.

Aquariusweapon can also be found on YouTube.

Contact: themoviecrewe@gmail.com

Ep. 177 – The Running Man


Episode 177: The Crew’s running from the Stalkers as they discuss The Running Man. It’s loosely based on Stephen King’s novel, which he wrote under the pseudonym Richard Bachman. The film as some witty social commentary, but make no mistake, this is an Arnold Schwarzenegger action film. There’s loads of one liners, although most are recycled from other Schwarzenegger movies.

If you like our music intro, head over to Soundcloud and hear more amazing music from aquariusweapon.

Aquariusweapon can also be found on YouTube.

Contact: themoviecrewe@gmail.com

Ep. 176 – Sleepwalkers


Episode 176: The Crew’s running from incestuous Werecats as they discuss Stephen King’s Sleepwalkers. The film is the first of many Stephen King films that Mick Garris directed. And it’s the first screenplay King wrote directly for the screen. The Crew’s opinions are split on this film, but they all agree that Alice Krige and Clovis the cat are the highlights here.

If you like our music intro, head over to Soundcloud and hear more amazing music from aquariusweapon.

Aquariusweapon can also be found on YouTube.

Contact: themoviecrewe@gmail.com

Ep. 175 – It Chapter Two


Episode 175: The Crew’s returning to Derry to discuss, It Chapter Two. After the box-office success of Chapter One (the highest grossing R-rated horror film of all-time) the pressure was high for Andy Muschietti & company to deliver a satisfying conclusion. The Stephen King novel is criticized for its crazy ending, and the movie has some great jokes about it. Is Chapter Two a home run? The Crew discusses… Spoilers!

Correction: Chung-hoon Chung is from South Korea. Sorry.

If you like our music intro, head over to Soundcloud and hear more amazing music from aquariusweapon.

Aquariusweapon can also be found on YouTube.

Contact: themoviecrewe@gmail.com

Ep. 174 – Maximum Overdrive


Episode 174: The Crew’s over at the Dixie Boy Truck Stop reviewing Maximum Overdrive. It’s the only film Stephen King ever directed; based on his short story “Trucks”. This film has been labeled “so bad, it’s good”; and King called it a “moran movie”. But it’s a ton of fun and the stunt work is impressive. Yes, there’s loads of bad acting, cheesy line delivery, things that make no sense, and people standing & watching as trucks come to run them over. Cocaine is a hell of a drug!

Listen to guest Nate Reisman on his podcast “You Can See Me in the Dark”. Available on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, or Spotify.

If you like our music intro, head over to Soundcloud and hear more amazing music from aquariusweapon.

Aquariusweapon can also be found on YouTube.

Runtime: 01:05:32

Contact: themoviecrewe@gmail.com